SWiM GDS delivers significant and measurable benefits to Shipping Lines

We Guarantee Your Payments

  • We Guarantee your Payment In Full, On Time, Every time.
  • Receive your Payments in single or multiple currency of your choice.
  • Payments can be received into escrow prior to Vessel Loading and released to you automatically on issue of Bill of Lading.
  • We also provide you with financial compensation in the event of a "NO SHOW" cargo booking.
  • SWiM GDS Significantly Improves your Business Operating Cash Flows.
SWiM GDS Guarantees Your Payments
Modern Global Connectivity
Modern Global Connectivity
  • Eliminates Bad Debts and the risk and cost of recovering same
  • Provides 24/7 live digital global connectivity, document exchange and alert notifications with all SWiM GDS Participants
  • Provides you a captive global audience for advertising, sales and marketing promotions
  • Gives you access to unparalleled, accurate, up to date and detailed Industry data and metrics
Better Facilities Utilisation
  • Improve Empty Container Fleet Planning and Utilisation
  • Maximise Vessel Capacity Planning and Utilisation
  • Facilitates Port Call planning and vessel turnaround times
  • Reduces sales overheads, administrative and advertising costs
Better Facilities Utilisation
New Zero Cost Revenue Stream
New Zero Cost Revenue Stream
  • Reduces cost of money and debt collection
  • Reduces administrative overhead and costs
  • Provides you a significant new and predictable, Zero Cost Revenue Stream through use of SWiM PAY
  • And so much more..